Monday 23 December 2013

Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)

Feminist activists mounted a bare-breasted protest outside a Madrid church on Monday to decry Spain's plan to ban women from freely opting for abortion.
Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)
A member of the protest group Femen kneeled on the pavement baring her breasts with the slogans "Christmas is Cancelled" and "Free Abortion" daubed on her chest.
Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)
Two other activists circled her, spilling a red liquid on the ground outside the city centre's Church of San Manuel y San Benito, shortly after worshippers celebrating morning mass had left the building.
Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)
One of the three protesters, who gave only her first name, Carmen, criticised the conservative government's new abortion restrictions.
Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)
"We are going back to the dictatorship," she complained.
Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)
Under pressure from the Roman Catholic Church, Spain's government agreed on Friday to roll back a 2010 law which had brought Spain into line with much of Europe by letting women opt freely for abortion up to 14 weeks into pregnancy.
Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)
Ministers adopted draft legislation allowing abortion only in cases of rape or a threat to the mother's health.Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)
The bill is almost certain to be enacted because the ruling Popular Party enjoys an absolute majority in parliament.Abortion Law Protest: Femen Activists Bare Breasts at Church Doors (PHOTOS +18)
From FEMEN Facebook page:
Christmas is canceled from Vatican to Paris!
FEMEN is going on with its international topless relay race "Christmas is canceled" against antiabortion campaign, started yesterday in Vatican.
Closing of abortion centers, shamings, pressure of catholic sect : even in France aborting is becoming a way of the cross.
On altar of Eglise de La Madeleine, the holy mother Éloïse publically aborted of Jesus' embryo.
"344th slut" was written on holy bare breasts, as a demand to the modern world, 42 years after the manifesto initiated by Simone de Beauvoir, to quit middle age religious ideas and to forbid an implication of religious traditions in modern laws.
The recent storm of anti women's laws on criminalizing abortions proposed by governments from Texas to Madrid shamed the modern world and one more time attacked freedom of women.
FEMEN is breaking the strategies of patriarchy in ownership of women's body that is protected and hidden by religions.
Nor any cross, neither text can tell or show women how to sacrifice their freedom. We will not let any white dressed freak put their nose in women's vagina.

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