Friday 4 April 2014

Tweet-talking Casanova, 25, (who still lives with his mum) claims he beds 200 women in A YEAR by chats on twitter

A man claims to have wooed hundreds of women into bed using the power of social media. 
Ben James reckons he has bedded over 200 women in a year - by chatting them up on Twitter.
The 25 year-old romeo sends out saucy messages and gets hundreds of replies a day from girls including full-frontal naked selfies.
Self-proclaimed Casanova Ben James pictured with his current girlfriend Abby Lugg. Ben claims he has four or five 'tweethearts' on the go at any one time
Self-proclaimed Casanova Ben James pictured with his current girlfriend Abby Lugg. Ben claims he has four or five 'tweethearts' on the go at any one time
The 25 year-old Romeo sends out saucy messages and gets hundreds of replies a day from girls including full-frontal naked selfies
The 25 year-old Romeo sends out saucy messages and gets hundreds of replies a day from girls including full-frontal naked selfies
Ben says women ask him for sex outright
Ben says he always tells girls he is only interested in sex
Some of the messages Ben has received from women who follow him on Twitter 
He claims two or three of those will ask him for sex and he has four or five 'tweethearts' on the go at any one time.
Ben, from Croydon, South London, is the originator of the popular tweet: 'Quote this with your best selfie to show off your body'. 
He has 74,000 followers on the social network and claims the key to success with the ladies is being cheeky enough to say what nobody else would dare.
Ben reckons he has bedded over 200 women in a single year
Ben lives in a three-bed semi with his healthcare worker mother
Ben, who lives in a three-bed semi with his healthcare worker mother, says women love his 'honesty'
Ben, who sends around 20 tweets a day, said: 'I'll send out a funny tweet, something edgy, and then it gets retweeted a few hundred times.
'Every retweet gets me a hundred or so followers, plus a few celebs, and from that I get a bunch of direct messages.
'Girls send me hundreds of messages a day. Some send naked pictures, some ask for my phone number; and some ask me straight out for sex.
'I normally have about four or five girls on the go at once then I get bored and find some others.'
Ben, whose huge following includes celebrities Amy Childs and Callum Best, says his ideal woman is Beyonce - but he's not picky.
He added: 'I have a reputation for being a man whore. But if they've got a big bum, I'm interested.
'I normally just tell a girl I want to sleep with her instead of making her think I want a relationship.
'I put in some graft for a day - take her to the zoo, or to the park to feed the ducks - and then the next day I move on to another one.'

Would THESE tweets get you into bed? 

'If a woman is upset hold her & tell her how beautiful she is If she starts to growl, retreat to a safe distance and throw chocolate at her.'
'Sweat pants hair tied chillin' with no Makeup on - that's why you single go and put some on'
'Oh, your Twitter account is protected? What the f**k do you tweet? Nuclear launch codes?'
'If you're broke near your girlfriend's birthday just buy her a sexy pair of Sports Direct brand goalie gloves and tell her she is a keeper.'
'I dare a girl with drawn on eyebrows to argue with me. I'll lick my thumb.'
'You fat girls needa stop biting your lips when you take pictures. You look hungry, not sexy.'
'You can measure a person's intelligence by the number of times they get back with their ex.'
'Girls will find a misspelled word in your Tweet but can't find their baby father.'
Ben lives in a three-bed semi with his healthcare worker mother and says she doesn't mind sharing her home with Britain's biggest tweetheart.
He said: 'My mum doesn't mind. I'm very respectful, at the end of the day.
'She does think I only have one girl coming round all the time, not lots of different ones.
'My dad was a player like me when he was younger. 
'He thinks I'm a bit of a legend - I think the apple didn't fall far from the tree.'
Ben's tweets usually involve a healthy dose of chauvinistic stereotypes about women and have evoked a odd assortment of responses such as 'Thanks for the other night, babe, really hit the spot', 'Hey babe, last night was awesome, can't wait to **** you again', 'Let's have sex J', 'Maybe we can hook up next time you're in London?', and 'How's about I book you in one day next week?'.
Ben is a TV producer who is in now talks with MTV about an urban reality show called 'It's a London Thing'.

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